I Am Back Photo-blogging


OneAmerica signboard for December 11, 2014.

I have not posted on this blog for about two and a half years. I would like to restart the blog with new content, images and more, but which creative direction to go in, is the question.

I’ve thought about making this about images taken by my smartphone and the editing apps available to enhance the images. But, my Nikon takes some great images, thatch may want to share.

For now, I will post interesting images, mostly of Indianapolis, but will not limited it to the city. Hopefully 2015 will be a great year and bring great moments to photograph.

NFL Super Bowl IndyCars

Super bowl IndyCarsThis is my favorite feature in the Super Bowl XLVI village. The NFL franchise IndyCars, lined up in the “Starting 33” grid lineup. Along with the XLVI Numerals at Monument Circle, it may be one of the most photographed spots during the event.

But, this goes to show everyone why Indianapolis is one of the top cities to host an event. The resources of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway gives an excellent opportunity to cross-promote and give a local flavor. You wont get this in New Orleans, Dallas or Arizona.

Super IndyCars

One of the great things about Indianapolis Hosting the Super bowl is the cross promotion of the IndyCars. Pictured here are the SB XLVI car with the Giants and Patriot cars. Of course, the “Field of 33” is a great site too. Having all 32 teams, plus the Super Bowl car, all lined up like the starting grid of the Indy 500, is a sight to see. Unfortunately, that area is always way to crowded to get a great picture.I will soon post that image here.

Here, you get a good look at the new 2012 IndyCar, with the New York Giants paint scheme.

The Super Bowl Village in Indianapolis is a great attraction for locals and visitors to experience. This weekend will be an awesome time for Indianapolis and all that attend and enjoy it.

JW Marriott: The Super Bowl Sight to See

JW Marriott - Dress for Super Bowl XLVI One of the most striking displays of Super Bowl Pride is from the official NFL Media Center, the JW Marriott hotel. The Lombardi Trophy scales nearly all 34 floors and can be seen from almost anywhere in downtown Indianapolis, when facing the west. It is not only a great building to view during the Super bowl, but is just as awesome to see any other time of the year.